The cowards!!  

Posted by Vadi

Cowards are the names given to the scared ones to face challenges put to them. Its time this name has to be narrowed to a set of people, not the weak ones! But to the inhumans- The terrorists!! The attacks at innocent people have always boiled their blood. We intend to forget them in a few days. Terrorism has only little significance among the people, especially the illiterate. But now they too have started to realize the present scenario!

This has brought the world under one arm. Each one has realized the effects and are grouping hands to overcome terrorism!! But the terrorists have to no reason to group them. They do have definite reasons to protest against a certain thing but they don’t have reasons for their attacks. Why do they attack the civilians? Terrorism has rooted in all countries. The militants instead of attacking their targets have turned their arms to the general people! Why do they do it? The reason is they never get what they demand their targets! So they turn towards the civilians hoping their demands are satisfied in the other way. Isn't it a cowardice act? Of course, they can be called cowards. Terrorism is the real barrier to the growth of humans. The cowards can continue their acts, but in the end it’s the brave who wins. That’s the moral!

This entry was posted on 12/5/08 at Friday, December 05, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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